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Accelerated Reader (AR)
(Use Google Chrome Browser and Class Link)

Summer 2024 Reading Goal:

  • 6/24/24 - 8/1/2024:  30 points minimum per student 

School Year Reading Goals: 

1st Trimester Goal (8/19/24-11/11/24)

  • TK/K/1st: 10 points minimum
  • 2nd/3rd: 15 points minimum
  • 4th-6th:  20 points minimum
  • Does not include summer points


2nd Trimester Goal (8/19/24-3/3/25)


  • TK/K/1st: 20 points minimum
  • 2nd/3rd: 25 points minimum
  • 4th-6th: 35 points minimum
  • Does not include summer points 


3rd Trimester Goal (8/19/24-6/2/25)


  • TK/K/1st:  30 points minimum
  • 2nd/3rd: 35 points minimum
  • 4th-6th: 50 points minimum
  • Does not include summer points


One student from each grade will be awarded a gift card at the end of the year if they have the most points (summer points included).  



  1. Click on “Class Link” link on right
  2. Log in using your student’s SCUSD username and password
  3. If you need to reset or cannot remember your student’s username or password, email your teacher to reset the password